Travel Stories


... her laughter was absolutely infectious ...

The other day in Hsipaw - cold and thick with obscuring morning fog - four of us begin walking with our local guide – Soule Oo - to the river. We got into a long thin boat with with removable plank seats, and a long propeller shaft running off some small auto motor mounted on the rear of the craft, along with with a few Burmese villagers and headed out into the fog. The river water was running fairly rapidly against us, but also very warm. We pass farming villages on the shore that look like riverine settlements that could be almost anywhere in southeast Asia, like villages along the Amazon or Orinoco, maybe even New Guinea: women bathing and washing clothes, thatched huts, some on stilts, water buffalo led down to the river to drink.

“Remember friends as you pass by
As you now are so once was I
As I am now so you must be
Prepare yourselves to follow me.”

— Buddhist Cemetery Sign

 We passed a man going downriver on a lashed together bamboo raft, that our
guide said was actually covering illegally harvested teak being taken to some location from where it will be picked up and transported to China. China is a big focus of life here in northeast Myanmar. A huge natural  gas pipeline is being built to move Myanmar gas to China, for which
China gave Myanmar 2 billion dollars, an immense immense amount of money in Burma that no one knows where it went. (Wanna guess?) A new train line is being built to move goods and agricultural produce to China. Burmese laborers work for a fifth of their Thai and even Chinese
counterparts. There are almost no factories in the country that are yet exploiting this literate source of human services and labor. Soule Oo points out an omnipresent wildflower that he says it is known locally as a Chinese daisy, because “no matter where you look you see them.” 
He says, “We have an expression in Hsipaw (the town I was then based in) , ‘Where there’s smoke there’s Chinese.’”
        About an hour after starting up river we stop at an indistinguishable section of riverbank and climb out of the boat. The fog has fully lifted. It’s a bright sunny day. The boat continues upriver as we clamber up a steep riverbank incline. Soon we come to a tiny bamboo hut in the middle of rich fertile fields, where we are met by the hut’s sole resident, a toothless, indeterminately old women, who laughs hysterically and warmly at my height, and who hugs me and pulls me down
to her so that she can kiss my check. We take photos. When she puts her arm around me her hand is at the height of my butt and she leaves it resting there.  (I'll try to find and send the photo under separate cover.) We continue climbing a quite steep hill along a single person wide walking path past fields of pineapple, sesame, mango, sugar cane, and corn, passed small fenced and unfenced gardens filled with cabbages,beans, chili peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes. I fancy that I’ve learned a lot about gardening on this trip, some by visual observation, some by osmosis, both from the orchid displays and from the flowerbeds at the National Garden in Pyin Oo Lwin, and from the gardening methods I see displayed in the Shan villages, especially about aerating the soil and the use of trellises and stake supports. The sense of gardening as art as well as craft inspires me when thinking of my own gardens at home and provides what may be a possible partial answer to the question of what I will do when home that may serve as spiritual practice, in addition to yoga, and what will inspire me there the way travel does here. 
        Half an hour or so up the path we come to an ancient monastery, now home to six older monks, and over two dozen young boy monks in training, all under twelve years of age. We are served freshly harvested pineapple and jasmine tea. The young monks are all watching TV (scary, I mean how are you gonna keep them down on the farm after they've seen Paris). A
bell rings. The TV is turned off and the young monks pray in front of the Buddha statues. A bell is rung and the young monks go off to eat lunch. After lunch they ride their bicycles around the compound border and the soccer field.
        I kneel down and pray in front of the Buddha as well. I offer heartfelt thanks for having arrived here, for the privilege of being here. I offer my gratitude to the Buddha for his example, his inspiration, and his teaching. I think of Jesus’ message, as opposed to what arose in
his name. I do not think about Moses or the prophet Muhammad.  One lasting image I have is of a poster in an area of the large pagoda hall that serves as a spare dormitory/sleeping area for some of the young monks. There I find an almost life sized representation of the Buddha that someone has “accidentally” hung a good sized wall clock that completely obscures Buddha’s head such that it looks like his head is a clock. I can't resist thinking it is an unconscious commentary on the relationship between time and mind. 

        As we are leaving the monastery we go inside a small building that
serves as a classroom. Low tables/desks wide enough for two students
seated side by side on the floor are lined up two across the room and
about six or seven tables deep facing a chalkboard. There are small
mostly filled notebooks at every student’s place. There is a low door
into the classroom and two openings in the woven bamboo far wall that
serve as windows to let in air and light. It is very quiet. As we are
leaving the classroom I walk forcefully and unconsciously into the top
of the door frame and bang my head so hard that it knocks me backward
down onto the floor onto my butt and then laying down flat, dazed but
unhurt. I am reminded of the ethnographer Colin Turnbull writing of his
life among an African band of pygmies in “The Forest People,” that
he figured the role he fell into with them was village idiot. My
companions rush over to comfort me and help me up. For the rest of the
day Soule Oo reminds me at every doorway and low hanging branch to bow. 
He says, “Bow,” to me at least forty or fifty times: at each temple,
leaving and entering houses, at small store stands I enter, in a village
"restaurant," on the path. I am thrilled to be reminded to bow. I have
understood for years that we can never bow too often or too much, but
perhaps I wasn’t practicing as consciously as I might. While lying on
the floor of the classroom I hear the temple chimes ringing in the
breeze and offer my gratitude. When I see an iridescent blue bird I
bow. Seated on the boat moving on the river I bow. On the path I bow. 
With every breath I try to remember to bow. 
        Back on the boat we head further up river, to the confluence where another river joins this one, to some decent sized rapids and to the
bridge over the river that the Lashio to Mandalay train runs on once
each day in each direction. Headed back to Hsipaw we stop at three
different traditional Shan farming villages. One is reachable only by
boat. At one, Sun Lon, apparently a Shan name meaning "good gardens,"
in addition to boat the train stops once a day in each direction. About
300 people live there. The village has a school that goes to the eighth
grade. The school has a sign on it that says in English “Drug Free
School.” The village, like all the others we see on this side of the
river has a very deep well for drinking water dug with UNRA aid and
technology. We eat lunch in the last village we stop at, Shan noodles,
of course. There is a narrow path from there that leads to the road
back into town and we walk the rest of the way in.
As we pass the Buddhist cemetery I note a sign that reads:


"Remember friends as you pass by
As you now are so once was I
As I am now so you must be
Prepare yourselves to follow me.”

One Day in Myanmar

Abbott and Me

Alice, the innkeeper of Peacock Lodge, in Mandalay offers me the option of staying an additional day and I accept … one of the advantages of having flexible time and believing in guides.  I also alter my travel plans on Alice’s suggestion to break up the long slow train ride to Lashio, so I am only doing the viaduct leg by train.  I’m eager to go to these places, but for today just cruising around this city I almost feel familiar with seems the perfect thing to do.  And doing yoga, reading, relaxing, writing, and getting onto the Internet, are all so much more acceptable on the road than at home.  Mark that revealing fact, Mr. B. 

        Anyhow, from the time I step out the door of the Peacock my day is just enchanted, beautiful, wondrous, and, yes, even divine.  I snag a ride in a pick up on a side road outside the guesthouse where I’m staying and somehow actually find myself where I wanted to go, the pagoda at the top of Mandalay Hills.  Interestingly, I remember nothing about the pagoda or the hilltop although I was here w Joy less than a year ago, but each encounter I have with the physical environment evokes a pleasant memory and a warm feeling in me.

        I’m sincerely invited to join a luncheon picnic with a half dozen young men and women seated on a sheet on the tile floor outside the pagoda that looks delicious but which I decline.  Then, on a wooden bench working a poem, a robed monk in his late thirties sits down next to me, asks in broken English where I am from, and wants to know about my travels in and impressions of Myanmar.  So there we are just chatting away fabulously, his English is actually not that bad, he’s simultaneously helping me with my Burmese, and I’m being as frank and probing as I normally am, given the restrictions imposed by the language impediments.  Turns out learning English is one of his ambitions, he’s a serious student of the language, has read some Shakespeare and Dickens and a number of monks at his monastery in central Mandalay are studying English together.   When I ask if I can visit his monastery with him, he asks what day I had in mind, I say today, and just like that we’re in a little blue pickup truck taxi on our way to the ShweYaye Sung Monastery compound behind the big Maha Mani Buddha statue in the middle of town.    

        When we get to the monastery U Ke Tu, for that is his name, insists on paying my 4$ taxi fare, but relents when I remind him he is a poor monk living on alms he collects begging in the morning and the grace of his parents. He takes me to his room inside the monastery.  He introduces me to monks we encounter saying, “This is my friend.”  He lives in a room with three other monks on a straw pallet on the floor.  The room is cluttered with mostly books.  We sit on his mat and practice English and Burmese.  A half a dozen other monks join us.  We laugh a lot.  One of the monks asks what my “ambition” is, but it turns out he meant what was my work.  I say that at twenty I was a soldier, at twenty-five an anthropologist, at thirty a farmer, at thirty-five a hospital administrator, and at forty-five a lawyer, which I still am today although mostly retired.  We try to define retired, and “mostly retired.”  I correct their pronunciation.  We spent a lot of time on the “sm” sound of smart, and on differentiating between p and b, between d and t.  Ke Tu, to test out his language skills, sings a beautiful pop love song in English that I am vaguely familiar with and that I understand about half of what he is saying.  (“I am sailing, I am sailing, cross the ocean, passed high seas. I am flying …”).  I play them Joy singing her song about her mother, and then play Jimmy Durante from music I’ve downloaded on my laptop singing “Make Someone Happy.”  The words seem particularly apt, even profound in a Buddhist monastery.  We try to talk about Buddhism but it is impossible.  I say something about my spiritual “ambitions.”  We try to talk about the difference between religion and “spirituality,” but the word “spirituality” doesn’t even appear in the English to Burmese dictionary we refer to, and its definition of “spirit” is more confusing than helpful.  I am invited to dinner and decline.  I’m also a bit unsure about this, but I think I was also invited to bathe, which I also declined. 

We’ve been sitting on the mat at least two hours.  I say I have to go.  Ke Tu tells me it was his “lucky” day that we met.  I say it was “magical,” and “exceptional,” and that it has made me very happy.  As we are leaving the monastery we run into the head abbot who I am introduced to and to whom I say in pretty poor Burmese, “It is a pleasure to meet you (tweiya da wan thaba de), which evokes a huge laugh. The abbot just laughs and laughs.  It is contagious.  I have a few photos of him.  He is the most Buddha look a like person you have ever seen.  Ever.  (I’ll try to send the pics under separate cover … I just didn’t want to risk attaching them and screwing up this tenuous email connection).

Ke Tu and I continue toward the street.  Young monks are bathing with buckets of cold water pulled up from a well.   Naturally, they are laughing.  Ke Tu takes may hand and we walk hand and hand together.  He intertwines the fingers of his right hand with those of my left.  We are both aware something out of the ordinary has been shared between us and while our separation and my departure are the most ordinary and familiar of human experiences, there is a poignancy that makes it very hard for me to separate, knowing as I do, that like many of my experiences on these travels and towards the end of my life, they are not likely to be repeated or reencountered, that they exist only in the present and in memory.

Ke Tu insists I ride back into town on the back of a motorcycle “taxi,” which I do without helmet and aware of the risks, but when in Mandalay …   The taxi deposits me after dusk at a downtown market.  Men are playing some kind of board game I have never seen before.  I am asked if I play.  I say, “No, I play checkers,” as I pull out my traveling checker set to show them what I mean.  An older man in the crowd says with a big smile and good humor, “Ha! I am checker champion.  You play?  Winner get one thousand chat?”  And there we are playing Burmese checkers (far more interesting than the American checkers I grew up with) right on the sidewalk under a streetlight as a decent sized crowd of men gathers.  When I am forced to jump a piece of his he says, “You eat!” 

In the first game I make a rookie move and it is all over.  In the second game we agree to a draw.  And in the third game, in a moment of checker brilliance I’d like to repeat some day soon, I see a number of moves down the board and force him into a fatal position that neither he nor the kibitzing crowd of more than twenty onlookers sees until it is too late, and when I make my penultimate move which forces him into an obviously fatal position I pump my fist once up in the air and the crowd literally cheers and claps, good naturedly teasing the “champion” on his defeat at the hands of this foreigner.        

At times I feel as though I can only take so much more pleasure, have rarely been this ecstatic, am really enjoying my travels, all in part a tribute to my truly favorite guide, Sacajawea Joy, the prophetess of the notion that it can and will just keep getting better, that we can attain and tolerate more and more pleasure and a feeling of excitement and delight as a dominant state of mind and being. The word Joy uses is euphoria, by which she means a utopian ideal of emotional bliss.  I’m in favor of that.  It’s just a little exhausting without practice.  But you just had to see this monk laughing.

In the meantime I’ve moved on for a few days to Pyin Oo Lwin, a market town north and east of Mandalay, which is the general direction I’m headed in for a while.  The increased visibility of military forces is very obvious headed north in the direction of Kachin.

yoga in bagan

On a sunny hot afternoon in Bagan, Myanmar I decide to do yoga out of doors, but am self-conscious about doing it where I can be seen.  But next to our guesthouse is a lovely 1,000 year-old brick and mortar temple that I wander over to and set up my mat on the level back terrace, out of view of people at the guesthouse and in the midday shade.  From my mat I can see the bamboo hut village that abuts the temple, the dusty ox cart and walking paths that connect the village, and the garbage heap where the plastic bags and bottles that blight the countryside are dumped.  Focusing on yoga takes a bit of effort, but soon I am moving from posture to posture, eyes closed, breathing mindfully and rhythmically, somehow having forgotten about my setting.  Perhaps forty or so minutes into my routine, on instinct, I turn around and look to my rear where I see four boys, about 8 to 10 years old, each carrying hand made slingshots, and each staring at me in a mystified, fascinated, respectful way.  I have no idea how long they’ve been there, but my guess is about three to five minutes.  And although I laugh out loud on seeing the boys, which markedly breaks the silence, I also continue my practices and postures.  Only now the boys have put down their slingshots and are imitating my movements and giggling.  And while I am doing the postures, I am also laughing out loud at the boys and at myself.  And the more I laugh the move unbounded the boys’ movements and laughter become, and soon we are all laughing loudly together and doing yoga postures together in the shade of the temple.  After about five minutes of moving through a series of standing postures I simply cannot go on with the yoga in a focused way, so I sit down on my mat, cross-legged, facing them.  And they sit down on the terrace floor cross-legged facing me.  I say “yoga” and they laugh.  I do a side stretch and they do a side stretch.  I move very slowly and explicitly into a full lotus.  They move into full lotus.  I briefly lift my butt up half an inch on my palms.  They all lift their butts up four or five inches and swing back and forth on their palms as I can only imagine doing in my next life.  They are so wiry, and funny, and, of course, laughing hysterically.  And when we move into downward dog, the rocks they are carrying around for their slingshots fall out of their shirt pockets and clatter to the brick and mortar floor, and they are laughing even harder.  And I am laughing.  And there is no way to keep up even this level of the practice, and it is nearly time for me to be ending anyhow.  So I sit down again facing them.  And they sit facing me.  And I say “hello” in Burmese.  And they say hello.  And I put my hands in prayer position in front of my heart.  And they put their hands together in prayer position in front of their hearts.  And I say, “Namaste.”  And they giggle.  And I bow toward them.  And the boys bow toward me.  And I get up and roll up my mat.  And they get up and grab their slingshots and start firing at leaves and tree trunks and the temple bells.  And I say goodbye.  And they say goodbye.  And I wave.  And they wave.  And I ring the temple bell loudly with the large wooden striker left there for that purpose.  And the bell reverberates.  And I reverberate.  And I walk back toward the guesthouse.  And when I am almost there I turn around, and the boys are still standing on the temple terrace waving, and I wave again, and say “Namaste” again, and walk to my room, my asana practice over for the day.

in transit

    much as i love(d) myanmar, i am now at the airport in kuala lumpur, where i will spend my 3 hours in malaysia in transit drinking their famous “white coffee,” having a bowl of ipoh hor fun, using my credit card again! (i was almost totally out of cash in myanmar w no way to get more there), enjoying the sight of my first rain in 2 months, exploiting the free high speed wireless internet available at the airport (utilizing my well traveled international male power adaptor, of course) in this nation of 28m people i know nothing!! about, and will then be on my way to chennai, india, where i haven’t even booked a room and have no idea where the path will lead me until i rendezvous w sam in delhi three weeks from now.    

   i’ve enjoyed thinking of myself at times these days as a mendicant and poet, someone who is feeling more than thinking, quieting his mind, being more than doing, a monk wandering the streets seeking alms.  of course i know i’m just an american tourist, but there is also a way in which my “thinking” and active cognition have been substantially reduced in terms of their activity and dominance in my brain and have been not so much “replaced” as overwhelmed by “just” being in time and space and feeling   what I am conscious of, aside from the sights and sounds that abound and surround me, is an internal sense of comfort, awe, gratitude, appreciation, wonder, happiness.  these are states of being I am aware of, sensations, feelings.  they are far different than doing, thinking, solving, figuring out, planning, rushing, cramming, socializing, catching a quick cup of coffee and a bite, squeezing “it” all in.   of course, I am also aware there is are real differences between vacation and work, between retirement and employment, between being forty years old, raising a family, paying off a mortgage, and pulling hard in the harness traces, and being seventy years old contemplating the life you have lived and the choices that appeal to you in the life remaining, but beyond these obvious situational determinants, there is also no denying the energetic reception and emanations that characterize my state of being here and now, which is in some way the only time that is real as I “know” that word - real - to mean. 

Jumping Cat Monastery

Inle Lake is surrounded by steep mountains, and dozens of traditional Burmese, Shan, and Intha villages that cannot be reached by means other than boat. And pagodas that cannot be reached other than my foot. The lake rises and falls depending upon the season and the grace of the gods, goddesses, and “nats” of water and rain. Some of the village houses stand on stilts in the water whatever the height of the lake.  Others are seasonal or on land.  All trading and travel needs are met with the use of boats.  The scenery includes young boys riding water buffalo, men and women washing clothes, field workers and children waving, fishermen with nets, dugout canoes being paddled while standing -using one leg to move the long thin paddle through the water. Harvesting watercress,tomatoes, squashes, and corn being grown on floating islands made of river silt and river muck created over the centuries by people with nothing more than their backs and their shovels who do not greet you by asking, “How are you?” but rather, “Are you happy?”  An aquatic culture practicing aquatic farming with ecological awareness on small footpaths and busy boat lanes with bamboo dams, wonderful woven bamboo retaining walls, bamboo stakes and ties, bamboo houses and fences, And bamboo’s consciousness of strength, flexibility, versatility and utility in a land of earthly industry, of farming, weaving, carving, and craft.  Of diligent labor.

A floating restaurant named “Nice.”

A floating home for monks whose name translates to “Jumping Cat Monastery” and actually has jumping cats.

You should come here.

To see and contemplate people who do not walk or run except inside their houses, whose entire terra firma is often but twelve square feet of bamboo flooring filled with mats, bedding, a wood cooking stove, some pots and pans, family photographs, potted plants, posters of soccer teams from England, clothes drying on hooks, and bells ringing.  

I had wanted to leave some of you with the jumping cats, relatives of whom once lived in your home, but wasn’t sure what the monks would want, so I just eased you into the laketo become one with the fishes, and the silt, and the floating islands which support the plants that feed the people who grow and live and thrive and die here, and who asked when you entered their waters if you were happy.

Myanmar 2

the internet here is so problematic that i’ve had to send these myanmar entries to sam in the states so he can post them.  and forget sending photos from myanmar, or accessing additional funds beyond what you came in with, since the government refuses to permit the use of credit cards or travelers cheques anywhere and there are no atms allowed either.  but notwithstanding these mostly petty inconveniences, and the fact i may end up in india flat broke and praying for a money changer who will honor my credit card for a fee, myanmar continues to amaze me in ways i can barely describe.  so would the fact that i helped wash a 16 foot long python today and then had it slither on its wet belly slowly across my shoulders behind my neck and down onto the floor qualify?  or that joy and i visited olden pagodas on the other side or the irawaddy river while being driven around on an ox cart and at the end the ox cart driver asked for an extra dollar as a tip for the oxen? or the time i was eating a freshly fried burmese pancake from a street seller of an early evening in the poorest section of mandalay, served to me on very absorbent pages filled with penned lessons pulled from the vendor’s daughter’s lined school homework book, when a sparrow fell as if out of nowhere dead at my feet and lay there motionless in the street on its back while the vendor’s daughter pulled gently on the sparrow’s tail feathers to get it out from under me as i was eating (or trying to) and after about two full minutes the sparrow righted itself in one swift motion and flew fully functionally away?  or the people who come up to joy and me and want to have their pictures taken, or their kid’s pictures taken, waving to us from passing motorcycles, smiling with betel juice stained teeth, such as there are teeth left in their mouths, monks who want to talk with us, students in their last year of medical school eager for conversation, random taxi drivers who give us directions and unsolicited suggestions of places to visit not necessarily seeking a fare.  myanmar is a frustrated anthropologist’s paradise.  and as the burmese man who lives in the one room bamboo hut without electricity or running water told me in broken english today, “life is here so free.”  or perhaps even more to the point, the t-shirt being worn by the kid walking hand and hand with the monk that read on the front, “this order is the important secret which must never be omitted …” and on the back read, “time passes indifferently.”  


Myanmar 1

myanmar is the most authentically non western country/culture i have ever seen or been in.  fields with over 1000 buddha statues 4 or 5 times life size.  reclining buddha statues the size of ocean liners that you can walk in like the statue of liberty, only MUCH BIGGER.  monks everywhere.  children everywhere.  pagodas in caves, stupas on seemingly unreachable pinnacles, mountaintop villages that can be accessed only by foot and that must be what Shangri La was intended to depict.  85% of the people are engaged in agriculture, ox carts, 1940 chevy trucks, women with yellow caked faces, men wearing longyis.  even in the cities people cook with wood and charcoal.  refrigeration is rare and mostly styrofoam and ice.  even on the moving train they cook with wood.  the sense of government oppression is nowhere visible or apparent to me other than in whispered fears and resentments, and some crazy checkpoints between states.  non-burmese minorities do not have equal access to government positions.  the people are immensely fascinating and somewhat alien; their “innocence,” grace, kindness, effusiveness, generosity, ease of laughter, delight, warmth, and wish to be of help are a stunning contrast to american impatience, reserve, distrust, and paranoia.  there is also wretched and immense poverty, and direly unsanitary conditions, but no homelessness or starvation.  a family of four can live “adequately” on 5$/day.  i got my head shaved for 50 cents.  i bought a dozen kids ice cream cones that were individually sculpted by the vendor artist - baboons, flowers, turtles - for a dime each.  i keep giving things away, bracelets, necklaces, trinkets, and the next thing i know they are being returned in some other form from some other source.  loren was openly revered as if a movie star. women touching his blond arm hairs, men squeezing his biceps.  one cute waitress told him openly, “i love your body.”  it was not a come on, just a statement of positive feeling.  you cannot believe the number of people who seem to think it is okay to pat my belly.  and forget opening my laptop in public because it draws a crowd of avid onlookers and commentators: monks, kids, cabbies, women with babies.  i’m really enjoying this place … and i absolutely love the city of mandalay with its immense palace grounds, markets, lovely people, and quiet lanes. 
